English-taught Intensive Courses in Second Semester 2024
There will be English-taught intensive courses in the second semester of AY2024. These courses have 8 lectures in total and offer 1 credit each. Both international students and Japanese students are welcome to take them. Please check their syllabi and sign up for them on KULASIS.
– Special Lecture on Global Issues in Agricultural Science 3: “Sow, Speak, Grow: The Vital Role of Communication in Agriculture”
by Dr. Jayalath Hemasiri Edirisinghe
<November 6-8 & 11> 8:45 am – 10:15 am and 10:30 am – 12 pm @W222
– Special Lecture on Global Issues in Agricultural Science 4: “Global Environmental Sustainability” by Prof. Randy Alan Dahlgren
<November 12-15> 8:45 am – 10:15 am and 10:30 am – 12 pm @W506
– Tropical Forest Environments 4
by Prof. Kaoru Kitajima and Prof. Hiroko Kurokawa
<October 17, 24, 31> 8:45 am-12 pm <November 7> 10:30 am – 12 pm @S130